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Minimum order £20 / All meat products freshly made to order and can be frozen. Next delivery, 8th August 2024



Bookkisa is the name of a sub-kebele (hamlet) where the Bookkisa group of 33 farmers are located. The average farm size of each member is 2.55 hectares and The coffee grows under a canopy of natural forest, which is typical of coffees gron in the Guji area. The fertile red land is made up of clay and loam.

All of these farmers are trained in agronomy and post-harvest practices by the "King of Guji", Ture Waji. What's unique about how these drying stations are managed are the drying beds themselves: each day lot is tracked with a tag for each bed, listing the specific delivery date, the start date of the drying process and moisture content readings for each day. This high level of care and attention to detail helps the Bookkisa group of farmers to turn out some spectacular coffees.